197215 & EASY-E4-AC-12RC1

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197215 & EASY-E4-AC-12RC1
Описание Eng:

Описание 197215 & EASY-E4-AC-12RC1

Eaton Programmable Logic Modules (PLCs) - easyE4 Series Implementing control has been made easy with the easyE4 series of logic modules and control relays from Eaton, valuable time is freed up with the convenient and faster new technology, for power management needs. The number of input/output can be extended easily with a unique Eaton plug connector, meaning expansion modules can be added to meet your needs. User-friendly easySoft software allows users to create and adapt diagrams, whilst easy navigation menus, simulation, and online communications make this series intuitive and simple.

Eaton's easyE4 PLCs offers a wide variety of function, control of tasks are performed by the base unit via integrated inputs/outputs whilst tailoring of the systems is available through the expansion modules. The PLCs also feature Ethernet and NET interfaces and allow a maximum of 8 devices to communicate with each other, additional devices can also be connected for more complex tasks. Another feature of the series is allowing the modules to run parallel to a maximum of 10 clusters, and with Modbus TCP protocol the Eaton XC300 can be used as a central master control system for all E4 devices.

Для использования сEasy E4 Control Relay
Серия изготовителяEASY
Количество входов8
Тип выходаЦифровой, реле
Тип входаЦифровой
Напряжение питания100 → 240 В перем. тока/пост. тока
Количество выходов4
Тип сетиEthernet
Дисплей в комплектеДа
Тип коммуникационного портаEthernet
Интерфейс программированияЧМИ
Минимальная рабочая температура-25°C
Тип монтажаDIN-рейка
используемый язык программированияFBD
Размеры71.5 x 59.6 x 110 mm
Максимальная рабочая температура+55°C
Страна происхожденияEE

Способы доставки в Калининград

Доставка 197215 & EASY-E4-AC-12RC1 в город Калининград
от 12 раб. дней
от 807
от 6 раб. дней
от 710
Деловые линии
от 18 раб. дней
от 2179
Почта РФ
от 15 раб. дней
от 290
от 5 раб. дней
от 1481
от 7 раб. дней
от 833
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