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Код товара: 10808637
Дата обновления: 16.02.2022 10:30
Доставка 04.80.506 в город Калининград
от 9 раб. дней
от 761
от 7 раб. дней
от 670
Деловые линии
от 10 раб. дней
от 1586
Почта РФ
от 15 раб. дней
от 290
от 4 раб. дней
от 1363
* Стоимость и сроки доставки являются ориентировочными. Итоговая стоимость и срок будут рассчитаны на странице оформления заказа.

Описание 04.80.506

RS PRO Door Brush Strips A range of RS PRO brush strips designed to seal the gap between the bottom of a door and the floor. Brush strips can be attached to the bottom of a door and act as a draught excluder to prevent draughts and keep in the heat. The brush also prevents dust and debris like leaves and litter from entering the threshold of a building or factory from outside. The strip can be cut to size to provide an accurate fit to any door.
These brush strips consist of a straight length of extruded aluminium, known as a carrier or holder. The aluminium carrier houses a length of black nylon bristles in the form of a long brush.
Brush strips are available in different lengths and with different door mounting angles 45°, 90° and 180°. The brushes have different bristle lengths and bristle diameters

BrandRS Pro
Высота13,2 м
МатериалАлюминий, нейлон
Страна происхожденияNL