
Изображения служат только для ознакомления. См. документацию товара


Код товара: 10827105
Дата обновления: 16.02.2022 10:30
Доставка 1261Q в город Калининград
от 9 раб. дней
от 761
от 7 раб. дней
от 670
Деловые линии
от 10 раб. дней
от 1586
Почта РФ
от 15 раб. дней
от 290
от 4 раб. дней
от 1363
* Стоимость и сроки доставки являются ориентировочными. Итоговая стоимость и срок будут рассчитаны на странице оформления заказа.

Описание 1261Q

RS PRO Phenolic Star Male Handwheel Knobs

Knobs are used in a wide variety of applications in our day-to-day lives and perform many functions, from being used as fixed handles to being used to tighten, loosen, adjust, clamp and push other components or pieces of equipment. They are used in various applications, from industrial and construction machinery to audio and visual equipment.

These star shaped handwheels – also known as multiple lobed handwheels– provide an easy-to-grip shape. This variation features four lobes, but other models will have varying numbers depending on the grip and pressure required. The knobs are fitted with a protruding screw insert (male) made from a combination of wood-filled impact-resistant thermoplastic bodies and zinc-plated steel inserts. Zinc-plated steel provides wear resistance for the threads to ensure that the threads last throughout general use and are not easily damaged or sheared.

BrandRS Pro
Диаметр резьбы6мм
Длина резьбы13мм
Форма ручки4-рычажный
Тип монтажаРезьбовая шпилька
Диаметр ручки38мм
Материал вставкиСплав
Страна происхожденияCN