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Код товара: 10833152
Дата обновления: 16.02.2022 10:30
Доставка FA10299_OSS-RS в город Калининград
от 9 раб. дней
от 761
от 7 раб. дней
от 670
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от 10 раб. дней
от 1586
Почта РФ
от 15 раб. дней
от 290
от 4 раб. дней
от 1363
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Описание FA10299_OSS-RS

LEDiL ROSE Series LED Lenses The ROSE series from LEDil, are a family of square LED lens assemblies. There are two types of lens within the ROSE family, one with a black PC holder and with a white PC holder. This range is designed for use with a single LED and come in a wide variety of options including clear or diffused. They also offer a range of beam angles from a spot to extra wide, and even an oval beam option. ROSE lenses direct the light from an LED light source through the lens to achieve the desired beam emission type with a uniform output.
Made using an optical grade PC, the ROSE lenses offer a high UV and temperature resistance. They can be fastened to the heatsink using a PU foam adhesive tape. ROSE lenses have been designed and optimised for use with a variety of LEDs. Due to the rapidly changing nature of LED products customers are strongly advised to consult the latest manufacturer data for compatible LEDs.

Форма линзыКвадрат
Количество светодиодов на линзу1
Эмиссионная картинаТочечный
Угол обзора7 °
Метод крепленияСамоклеящаяся лента
Для использования сOSRAM Golden DRAGON Plus
Размеры21.6 x 21.6 x 13.9мм
Прозрачный или диффузионныйПрозрачный
Содержимое комплектаДержатель, линза
Страна происхожденияFI